• Inside Out Morley has been changed to Inside Out North
  • What does that mean?
  • Tryouts will still be held at ISO in Muskegon
  • Most practices will still be at Ferris State University
  • Practices will be coordinated by ISO coaches and Ferris State players who will be involved with the administration of the program.
  • The goal is to be more consistent in the teaching of fundamentals for all ISO teams for both Muskegon and North Teams.
  • All teams will participate in the Lake Michigan Power League plus one additional 2 Day Tournament. There will be the option to add another tournament if a team wants additional play dates.
  • Tryouts for 12’s-18’s are on Sunday, November 12th from 1:30-4:00pm. All North players are welcome to attend any of the Muskegon tryout dates as well.
  • Coaches for Inside Out Juniors North
    • Kaylee Maat
    • Syann Fairfield
    • Chelsie Freeman
    • Hayley Wegener
    • Emily May
    • James Nostrant